Downshift in U.S. Market Growth But Still Above Trend
Submitted by Frye Financial Center on March 8th, 2022Will Ukraine and Russia Impact The Usually Bullish March?
Submitted by Frye Financial Center on March 1st, 2022
Good riddance to February. It was another negative month for stocks, but the clear headline was Russia invading Ukraine and the potential impacts that would have on the global economy and stock market. Read more here.
Will Ukraine and Russia Impact The Usually Bullish March?
Submitted by Frye Financial Center on March 1st, 2022
Good riddance to February. It was another negative month for stocks, but the clear headline was Russia invading Ukraine and the potential impacts that would have on the global economy and stock market. Read more here.
Which Region Will Get the Gold in 2022?
Submitted by Frye Financial Center on February 8th, 2022LPL Research’s Sustainable Investing Year in Review
Submitted by Frye Financial Center on February 1st, 2022Potential Catalysts for a Market Turnaround
Submitted by Frye Financial Center on January 24th, 2022
After a tough start for stocks in 2022, investors are looking for reasons to expect a rebound. After more than doubling off the pandemic lows in March 2020, without anything more than a 5% pullback in 2021, stocks probably needed a break. That doesn’t, however, make this dip feel much more comfortable.
Don't Expect the Fed To End This Bull Anytime Soon
Submitted by Frye Financial Center on January 18th, 2022
The Federal Reserve (Fed) has engineered a massive hawkish shift, causing a bit more stock market volatility recently. But how worried should investors be? Here we take a look back at historical performance for stocks before, after, and much after initial Fed rate hikes to help reassure any nervous investors out there.
Can Corporate America Keep it Rolling?
Submitted by Frye Financial Center on January 11th, 2022
Corporate America has been on quite a run. Coming into 2021, S&P 500 Index companies were expected to generate less than $170 in earnings per share. As 2022 begins, it looks like that number may end up higher than the latest LPL Research estimate of $205, one of the biggest earnings upside surprises ever and a big reason why stocks did so well last year.
‘What could go wrong? Yikes, quite a bit’
Submitted by Frye Financial Center on January 5th, 2022
Austin Frye weighs in on Estate issues for couples via MarketWatch. Read the article here.